2020 New Year's Resolutions:

Happy New Year! I cannot believe it is 2020. It probably won’t surprise you that I always looked up to Barbara Walters. I wonder if she anticipated the glory of her tagline so many years ago?

Anyway, here are the things I’ve resolved not to do.

  1. Participate in any kind of fun run for any reason. I will donate to your cause, but please do not ask me to jog around in a matching T-shirt with a thousand strangers. That sounds like the opposite of fun to me. Maybe consider changing the name to just “run”.

  2. Join your MLM. I’m glad you like your tribe but my parents always told me never to work for friends. I can’t say I have always obeyed their suggestion, but I’m pretty sure when it comes to your business, that rule will apply. We can be friends without being a part of a tribe.

  3. Going on a diet. I’m sure what you are doing is amazing. You look great. But I don’t want to cut out my carbs, they are delicious, or heaven forbid cut out cheese. These are my two favorite food groups. Happy to listen to the wonders of your vegan, keto, or generic diet of choice, but I don’t want to join.

I appreciate your assistance in helping me keep my resolutions! You’re the best!


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