I give you the real news, but with a bit of sass. Pretty sure John Oliver is copying my thing.

I got my start in digital media through short form news. Thousands of videos and millions of views later, I’m still doing it.


I had never written about the news much less produced a news video. But one night out with friends, I proclaimed that I would be better than a local personality, and they got me an audition. I wrote my first script and made my first video. The job was contingent on my knowing how to edit videos. As it turns out, there are videos that teach that, and the rest is history (and present, but you get the point). All the videos in this section were produced in my home studio.


I will never be royal.

I will never be royal, but that doesn’t stop me from talking about them all the time and wearing the hats!


Is that really fashion?

I love fashion, but I can’t say that I always understand it. Here are some that have made me wonder about the world around me.


Seriously. I’m a royals expert.

Right now I produce at least one royal video per day. I hope one day to be on a game show and put this knowledge to good use.


Parenting News.

Parents are inundated with information on how to be the perfect parent. I don’t think perfect is attainable, so I try to make you feel better about your normal life.



I describe my own lifestyle as “fake fancy”, but I guess that makes me enough of an expert to give other people advice.


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